The Daily Mirror
Från Seriewikin
(Omdirigerad från Daily Mirror)

The Daily Mirror, brittisk dagstidning. Grundades 1903 av Alfred Harmsworth. Innehåller en del dagspresserier.
Tidningen, som är i tabloidformat, har publicerat serier sedan 1915 och strippar i färg sedan 1988.
Serier som har publicerats i The Daily Mirror
- "The Battle of the Back Garden"/"Gardening"/"Mr. Crabtree"
- "Baz & Co."
- "Belinda Blue-Eyes"/"Belinda"
- "Beelzebub Jones"
- "Buck Ryan" av Jack Monk
- "Camille and Her Boss…"
- "Connie"
- "Daisy in the Garden"
- "Dan Doofer"
- "Dud"
- "The Elvis Presley Story"
- "Father On His Holiday"
- "The Flutters"
- "Fosdykesagan"
- "Garth"
- "Girl Chat"
- "Gordon Fife, soldier of fortune"
- "The Greens"
- "Hasse"
- "Henry"
- "Hylda Baker’s Diary"
- "Is Truth Stranger Than Fiction?"
- "Jane"
- "Jane, Daughter of Jane"
- "Jane, Grand Daughter of Jane"
- "Jay By Jove"
- "Jimpy"
- "The Jinks Family"
- "Just Jake..."
- "Karl-Alfred"
- "Keeping Up With the Joneses"
- "The Larks"
- "Little Joe"
- "Love Me Forever…"
- "A Man Called Horace"/"Horace"
- "Mandy Capp"/"Mandy"
- "Marge"
- "Millie and Her Brother Richard"
- "Mr. Crabtree Crusades"
- "Mr. Digwell"
- "The Mr. Men"
- "The Mulligans"
- "Nobby Tåfjutt"
- "The Pater"
- "Patti"
- "Patty’s Hours of Agony: A Reconstruction of the Life of Patty Hearst"
- "Pip, Squeak and Wilfred"
- "Pip and Squeak"
- "Pooch Café"
- "Real Life"
- "Romeo Brown"
- "Ruggles"
- "Scorer"
- "Simons Katt"
- "The Skolars"
- "Sooty"
- "Storklas och Lillklas"
- "Studs"
- "Sunshine Falls"
- "Terror Keep"
- "Tich"
- "Tiger Tim"
- "Tik and Tok"
- "A trip into the future"
- "Tuffa Viktor"
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