Spire Christian Comics
Från Seriewikin
Spire Christian Comics, undertitel till Fleming H. Revell Company. Numera nedlagt serieförlag. Gav bl.a. ut kristna serier om Acke. På svenska finns översatt Acke städar rent!.
Serieutgivning (urval)
- God's Smuggler [1972]
- The Cross and the Switchblade [1972]
- The Hiding Place [1973]
- In the Presence of Mine Enemies: 7 years a POW in Hanoi! The true story of a U.S. pilot and his wife! [1973]
- Tom Landry and the Dallas Cowboys [1973]
- The Gospel Blimp [1974]
- My Brothers' Keeper [1974]
- Through Gates of Splendor [1974]
- Hal Lindsey's There's A New World Coming [1974]
- Attack! [1975]
- Adam & Eve [1975]
- Time To Run [1975]
- Up From Harlem [1975]
- Live It Up [1976]
- Crossfire [1976]
- Hansi: The Girl Who Loved the Swastika [1976]
- Hello, I'm Johnny Cash [1976]
- In His Steps [1977]
- On the Road with Andrae Crouch [1977]
- Born Again [1978]
- Alpha and Omega [1978]
- Paul : close encounter of a real kind [1978]
- Jesus [1979]
- Adventure with the Brothers : The Cult Escape [1980]
- Adventure with the Brothers : smashing the smugglers' ring [1982]
- Adventure with the Brothers: Hang in There [1979]
- Hermanos Trueno y los contrabandistas [1987] (översättning av "Adventure with the Brothers: smashing the smuggler's ring")
- Yankee Doodle
- True Stories from Spire Christian Comics [1973?] (En samlingsvolym med de tre första titlarna utgivna av Spire)
- Archie's Clean Slate [1973]
- Archie's Sonshine
- Archie's One Way [1973]
- Archie's Love Scene [1973]
- Christmas With Archie [1974]
- Archie's Parables [1975]
- Archie's Something Else! [1975]
- Archie Gets A Job! [1977]
- Archie and Mr. Weatherbee
- Archie's Car [1979]
- Archie's World [1976]
- Archie's Family Album [1978]
- Jughead's Soul Food [1979]
- Archie's Festival [1980]
- Archie's Date Book [1981]
- Archie and Big Ethel [1982]
- Archie's Roller Coaster
- Archie's Sport Scene [1982]
Kiddies Christian Comics
- God Is... [1975]
- Noah's Ark [1975]
- Barney Bear: Family Tree
- Barney Bear in Toyland
- Barney Bear Wakes Up! [1977]
- Barney Bear: Home Plate!
- Barney Bear: Lost and Found [1979]
- Barney Bear Out of the Woods [1980]
- Barney Bear: The Swamp Gang [1980?]
- Barney Bear: Sunday School Picnic [1981]
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