Diskussion:Alfredo Castelli
Från Seriewikin
RE: "Alfredo Castelli Från Wikipedia, den fria encyklopedin. Italiensk seriemanusförfattare (1922-2006) som bland annat har skrivit manus åt Disney, Milo Manara, och Fernando Tacconi. Med den sistnämnde skapade han agent/deckarserien "Aristokraterna". Hans främsta egna verk är serien "Martin Mystére"."
Dear Friends, as Mark Twain used to say "The news of my death was greatly exaggerated". Also the new of my birth was exaggerated, as I was born in 1947, not in 1922. The dates concern my friend Ferdinando Tacconi ("Aristokraterna"), who, sadly, left us last May. If God gives me life, I'll be in Stockholm next week. If not, I'll be there next year Best Alfredo Castelli mystere@bvzm.com
- Ooops. Thank you for the correction, Signor Castelli. I'll trust your judgment when you say you are still alive.
- Apologies for spreading misinformation, but that's one of the common drawbacks with the Wiki format. I will correct this a.s.a.p.
- Welcome to Stockholm. OlaHe 13 augusti 2006 kl.21.06 (CEST)