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Kortvarig tidningssatsning från EC, efter att förlaget tvingats lägga ned sina skräckserier. I princip en sorts illustrerade böcker, med ECs serietecknare som illustratörer.


Adult Tales of Terror Illustrated #1

November-December 1955
Omslag: Reed Crandall

The Sucker
Manus: Maxwell Williams (Al Feldstein)
Teckningar: Reed Crandall

Sure-Fire Scheme
Manus: John Larner
Art Joe Orlando

Rest in Peace
Manus: Jack Oleck
Art George Evans

The Basket
Manus: Al Feldstien
Art Graham Ingels
(adapterad från en serie i Haunt of Fear #7)

The Gorilla's Paw
Manus: Alfred E. Neuman (Al Feldstein)
Art Johnny Craig
(adapterad från en serie i Haunt of Fear #9)

Adult Tales of Terror Illustrated #2

Våren 1956
Omslag: Reed Crandall

Horror in the Feak Tent
Manus: Al Feldstein
Art Reed Crandall
(adapted from a story in Haunt of Fear #5)

Manus: John Larner
Art Graham Ingels

Mother Love
Manus: Maxwell Williams (Al Feldstein)
Art Graham Ingels

Head Man
Manus: Jack Oleck
Art Charles Sultan

Reflection of Death
Manus: Alfred E. Neuman (Al Feldstein)
Art George Evans
(adapterad från en serie i Tales From the Crypt #23)

Confessions Illustrated #1

Januari-Februari 1956
Cover: Rudy Nappi

I Joined a Teenage Gang
Script Daniel Keyes
Art Jack Kamen

I Can Never Marry
Script Daniel Keyes
Art Joe Orlando

My Tragic Affair
Script Daniel Keyes
Art Wally Wood

I Took My Sister's Husband
Script Daniel Keyes
Art Jack Kamen

Passion Made Me a Thief
Script Daniel Keyes
Art Johnny Craig

Confessions Illustrated #2

Våren 1956
Cover: Rudy Nappi

I Sold My Baby
Script Daniel Keyes
Art Jack Kamen

Unfaithful Wife
Script Daniel Keyes
Art Reed Crandall

They Ran Me Out of Town
Script Daniel Keyes
Art Jack Kamen

I Destroyed My Marriage
Script Daniel Keyes
Art Joe Orlando

Script Daniel Keyes
Art Johnny Craig

Crime Illustrated #1

December 1955
Cover: Joe Orlando

Fall Guy For Murder
Script Al Feldstein
Art Bernard Krigstein/Reed Crandall
(adapterad från en serie i Crime SuspenStories #18)
(Not:Krigstein började arbetet med serien, men avbröt när han inte gavs tillåtelse att ändra slutet, och Krigstein togs in för att slutföra arbetet.)

The Sisters
Script Jack Oleck
Art Joe Orlando

Fool's Gold
Script Richard Smith
Art Graham Ingels

Farewell to Arms
Script John Larner
Art Reed Crandall

Mother's Day
Script Alfred E. Neuman (Al Feldstein)
Art George Evans

Crime Illustrated #2

Spring 1956 Cover: Reed Crandall

Motive Script Jack Oleck Art Reed Crandall Splash Page

Fair Trade Script John Larner Art Graham Ingels Splash Page

Clean Sweep Script Maxwell Williams (Al Feldstein) Art Joe Orlando Splash Page

Screenplay For Murder Script Al Feldstein Art Jack Davis (adapted from story “Cut” in Crime Supenstories #9) Splash Page

Pieces of Hate Script Alfred E. Neuman (Al Feldstein) Art Johnny Craig Splash Page

 Shock Illustrated #1


September-October 1955 Cover: Jack Kamen

The Needle Script Kris Daniels (Daniel Keyes) Art Jack Kamen

Switch Party Script Robert Bernstein Art Jack Kamen

The Jacket Script A.D. Locke (Daniel Keyes) Art Jack Kamen

 Shock Illustrated #2

Winter 1955 Cover: Rudy Nappi

Lipstick Killer Script A.D. Locke (Daniel Keyes) Art Reed Crandall

My Brother's Keeper Script Jack Oleck Art George Evans

A Question of Time Script Al Feldstein Art Al Williamson & Angelo Torres (Adaptation of story from Crime Suspenstories #13)

Dead Right Script Alfred E. Neuman (Al Feldstein) Art Graham Ingels (Adaptation of story from Tales From the Crypt #13)

 Shock Illustrated #3

Spring 1956 Cover: Rudy Nappi

Curiosity Killed Script Al Feldstein Art Reed Crandall

The Demon Script John Larner Art Graham Ingels

Sin Doll Script Kris Daniels (Daniel Keyes) Art Jack Kamen

One Man's Meat Script Jack Oleck Art George Evans

This issue was printed, but Gaines lacked the funds to have it bound. One to two hundred copies were hand-bound for the company archives. Some were given away and some sent to fans who had ordered the issue.

Externa länkar

EC Picto-Fiction (fansida)

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