Star Wars (Dark Horse)

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Dark Horse Comics har gett ut mängder av "Star Wars"-serier, de flesta som serieromaner eller ihopsamlade i TPB:er. Här är en sammanställning av dessa i fiktiv kronologisk ordning:[1]

Titel Upphovsmän ISBN
"Tales of the Sith"-eran, 25 000-1 000 BBY
"Tales of the Jedi - The Golden age of the Sith" Anderson, Carrasco, Jr, Gossett 1-56971-229-8
"Tales of the Jedi - Fall of the Sith Empire" Anderson, Heike, Carrasco, Jr 1-56971-320-0
"Tales of the Jedi - Knights of the Old Republic" Veitch, Gossett 1-56971-020-1
"Tales of the Jedi - The Freedon Nadd Uprising" Veitch, Akins, Rodier 1-56971-307-3
"Tales of the Jedi - Dark Lords of the Sith" Veitch, Anderson, Gossett 1-56971-095-3
"Tales of the Jedi - The Sith War" Anderson, Carrasco, Jr. 1-56971-173-9
"Tales of the Jedi - Redemption" Anderson, Gossett, Pepoy, McDaniel 1-56971-535-1
"Tales of the Jedi - Jedi vs. Sith" Macan, Bachs, Fernandez 1-56971-649-8
Prequel-eran, 1 000-0 BBY
"Jedi Council - Acts of War" Stradley, Fabbri, Vecchia 1-56971-539-4
"Darth Maul" Ron Marz, Jan Duursema, Magyar, Struzan 1-56971-542-4
"Prelude to Rebellion" Strnad, Winn, Jones 1-56971-448-7
"Outlander" Truman, Rick Leonardi, Rio 1-56971-514-9
"Jedi Council - Emmissaries to Malastares" Truman, Jan Duursema, med flera 1-56971-545-9
"Star Wars: Twilight" John Ostrander, Jan Duursema, Magyar 1-56971-558-0
"Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace" Henry Gilroy, Damaggio, Williamson 1-56971-359-6
"Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace Adventures" ? 1-56971-443-6
"Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace (Manga Edition) Volume 1" George Lucas, Kia Asamiya 1-56971-483-5
"Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace (Manga Edition) Volume 2" George Lucas, Kia Asamiya 1-56971-484-3
"Jango Fett" Ron Marz, Fowler 1-56971-623-4
"Zam Wesell" Ron Marz, Naifeh 1-56971-624-2
"Episode 2 - Attack of the Clones" Henry Gilroy, Jan Duursema, Ray Kryssing, McCaig 1-56971-609-9
"Droids - The Kalarba Adventures" Thorsland, Windham, Gibson 1-56971-064-3
"Droids - Rebellion" Windham, Gibson 1-56971-224-7
"Jabba the Hutt - The Art of the Deal" Woodring, Wetherell, Sheldon 1-56971-310-3
"Underworld - The Yavin Vassilika" Kennedy, Meglia 1-56971-618-8
"Classic Star Wars - Han Solo at Stars' End" Goodwin, Alcala 1-56971-254-9
"Boba Fett - Enemy of the Empire" Wagner, Gibson, Nadeau, Ezquerra 1-56971-407-X
Trilogi-eran, 0-5 ABY
"A New Hope Special Edition" Jones, Barreto, Williamson 1-56971-213-1
"A New Hope (Manga Edition) Volume 1" George Lucas, Hisao Tamaki 1-56971-362-6
"A New Hope (Manga Edition) Volume 2" George Lucas, Hisao Tamaki 1-56971-363-4
"A New Hope (Manga Edition) Volume 3" George Lucas, Hisao Tamaki 1-56971-364-2
"A New Hope (Manga Edition) Volume 4" George Lucas, Hisao Tamaki 1-56971-365-0
"Vader's Quest" Macan, Gibbons 1-56971-415-0
"Classic Star Wars - The Early Adventures" Manning, Hoberg 1-56971-178-X
"Splinter of the Mind's Eye" Austin, Sprouse 1-56971-223-9
"Classic Star Wars - In Deadly Pursuit" Goodwin, Williamson 1-56971-109-7
"The Empire Strikes Back - Special Edition" Goodwin, Williamson 1-56971-234-4
"The Empire Strikes Back (Manga Edition) Volume 1" George Lucas, Toshiki Kudo 1-56971-390-1
"The Empire Strikes Back (Manga Edition) Volume 2" George Lucas, Toshiki Kudo 1-56971-391-X
"The Empire Strikes Back (Manga Edition) Volume 3" George Lucas, Toshiki Kudo 1-56971-392-8
"The Empire Strikes Back (Manga Edition) Volume 4" George Lucas, Toshiki Kudo 1-56971-393-6
"Classic Star Wars - The Rebel Storm" Goodwin, Williamson 1-56971-106-2
"Classic Star Wars - Escape to Hoth" Goodwin, Williamsson 1-56971-093-7
"Shadows of the Empire - Shadows of the Empire" Wagner, Kilian Plunkett, Russell 1-56971-183-6
"Return of the Jedi - Special Edition" Goodwin, Williamson 1-56971-235-2
"Return of the Jedi (Manga Edition) Volume 1" George Lucas, Shin-ichi Hiromoto 1-56971-394-4
"Return of the Jedi (Manga Edition) Volume 2" George Lucas, Shin-ichi Hiromoto 1-56971-395-2
"Return of the Jedi (Manga Edition) Volume 3" George Lucas, Shin-ichi Hiromoto 1-56971-396-0
"Return of the Jedi (Manga Edition) Volume 4" George Lucas, Shin-ichi Hiromoto 1-56971-397-9
Den klassiska spin-off-eran, 5-25 ABY
"Mara Jade - By the Emperor's Hand" Tim Zahn, Stackpole, Ezquerra 1-56971-401-0
"Shadows of the Empire - Evolution" Perry, Randall, Simmons 1-56971-441-X
"X-Wing Rogue Squadron - The Phantom Affair" Stackpole, Macan, Biukovic 1-56971-251-4
"X-Wing Rogue Squadron - Battleground: Tatooine" Stackpole, Strnad, Nadeau, Ensign 1-56971-276-X
"X-Wing Rogue Squadron - The Warrior Princess" Stackpole, Tolson, Nadeau, Ensign 1-56971-330-8
"X-Wing Rogue Squadron - Requiem for a Rogue" Stackpole, Strnad, Barr, Erskine 1-56971-331-6
"X-Wing Rogue Squadron - In the Empire's Service" Stackpole, Nadeau, Ensign 1-56971-383-9
"X-Wing Rogue Squadron - Blood and Honor" Stackpole, Crespo, Hall, Martin 1-56971-387-1
"X-Wing Rogue Squadron - Masquerade" Stackpole, Johnson, Martin 1-56971-487-8
"X-Wing Rogue Squadron - Mandatory Retirement" Stackpole, Crespo, Nadeau 1-56971-492-4
"The Thrawn Trilogy - Heir to the Empire" Baron, Vatine, Blanchard 1-56971-202-6
"The Thrawn Trilogy - Dark Force Rising" Baron, Dodson, Nowlan 1-56971-269-7
"The Thrawn Trilogy - The Last Command" Baron, Biukovic, Shanower 1-56971-378-2
"Dark Empire - Dark Empire" Veitch, Kennedy 1-56971-073-2
"Dark Empire - Dark Empire II" Veitch, Kennedy 1-56971-119-4
"Dark Empire - Empire's End" Veitch, Baikie 1-56971-306-5
"Boba Fett - Death, Lies & Treachery" Wagner, Kennedy 1-56971-311-1
"Crimson Empire - Crimson Empire" Richardson, Stradley, Gulacy, Russell 1-56971-355-3
"Crimson Empire - Council of Blood" Richardson, Stradley, Gulacy, Emberlin 1-56971-410-X
"Jedi Academy - Leviathan" Anderson, Carrasco, Heike 1-56971-456-8
"The New Jedi Order"-eran, 25+ ABY
"Union" Stackpole, Teranishi, Chuckry 1-56971-464-9
"Chewbacca" Macan, Jan Duursema, med flera 1-56971-515-7
"Infinities" - passar inte in i tidslinjen
"Star Wars Tales Volume 1" Ron Marz, Claudio Castellini, Tim Zahn,
Peter David, Kilian Plunkett, John Ostrander,
Jan Duursema, Rick Leonardi,
Dave Cooper, med flera
"Infinities - A New Hope" Warner, Johnson, Snyder, Rio, Nelson 1-56971-648-X
"Battle of the Bounty Hunters Pop-Up Comic Book" Windham, Moeller 1-56971-129-1
Spänner över flera eror
"Bounty Hunters" Truman, Schultz, Stradley, Mangels 1-56971-467-3

Notera: Endast efternamnen är kända för de flesta av serieskaparna ovan.

A Long time Ago...

I slutet av 70-talet och genom mycket av 80-talet gav Marvel Comics ut serietidningar med "Star Wars"-serier. Dessa serier publicerades 1984-87 i Sverige i tidningarna Stjärnornas Krig och Månadens Äventyr.

2002 samlade Dark Horse ihop dessa tidningar till sju samlingsvolymer under namnet "A long time ago...", vilket syftar på frasen "A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away" som inleder filmerna. För information om denna utgivning, se artikeln Star Wars (Marvel).


  1. Källa: Utgivningslista i "A Long Time Ago... #5 Fool's Bounty"