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I dag bor Gaiman i USA nära Minneapolis i  Minnesota i ett 'familjen Addamshus', enligt honom själv <ref>'I_enjoy_not_being_famous'_by_Porter_Anderson,_CNN_(July,_2001)</ref>.
I dag bor Gaiman i USA nära Minneapolis i  Minnesota i ett 'familjen Addamshus', enligt honom själv <ref>'I_enjoy_not_being_famous'_by_Porter_Anderson,_CNN_(July,_2001)</ref>.

* ''[[Tharg's Future Shocks]]'':
**Korta serier 1986-1987
* ''[[Violent Cases]]'' (1987), med [[Dave McKean]]
*''Outrageous Tales From the Old Testament'', Knockabout Publications 1987.
* ''[[Black Orchid]]'' #1-3 (1988), med [[Dave McKean]], [[DC Comics]]
* ''[[The Light Brigade]]'' (med [[Nigel Kitching]], [[Trident Comics]], 1988)
* ''[[Redfox (comic)|Redfox]]'' #20 ([[Valkyrie Press]] 1989)
* ''[[Swamp Thing]] Annual'' #5 featuring [[Brother Power the Geek]], 1990)
* ''[[The Sandman]]'' #1-75 (1989-1996) - Olika tecknare, [[DC Comics]]
* ''[[Miracleman]]'' #17-24 ([[Eclipse]], 1992)
*''Miracleman: Apocrypha'' (includes "The Library of Olympos"), art by Mark Buckingham. Eclipse books 1993. (Miracleman: Apocrypha #1-3, Eclipse Comics, 1991-92)
* ''[[Books of Magic]]'' #1-4 (1991) - [[DC Comics]]
* ''Dustcovers: The Collected Sandman Covers'' (inklusive "The Last Sandman Story"); Neil Gaiman, Dave McKean. DC Comics/Vertigo, 1997.
* ''[[Signal to Noise]]'', med [[Dave McKean]] ([[Dark Horse Comics]], 1992)
* ''[[Death: The High Cost of Living]]'' #1-3 (med [[Chris Bachalo]], [[DC Comics]] 1994) * ''[[Mr. Punch|The Tragical Comedy or Comical Tragedy of Mr. Punch]]'' med [[Dave McKean]], ([[Vertigo]]/[[DC Comics]] 1994)
* ''[[The Last Temptation]]'' med [[Michael Zulli]] och [[Alice Cooper]], [[Marvel Comics]] 1994 - Historia baserad på Cooper-albumet ''The Last Temptation''
* ''[[Angela]]'' #1-3 - med [[Greg Capullo]], [[Image Comics]], 1994-1995
* ''[[Death: The Time of Your Life]]'' #1-3 (with Chris Bachalo) - {{cite book | author=Gaiman, Neil ''et al.'' | title=Death: The Time of Your Life | location=New York | publisher=DC Comics | year=1997 | id=ISBN 1-56389-319-3 ; 1-56-389333-9 (trade pbk.)}}
* ''[[Stardust (novel)|Stardust (Being A Romance Within The Realm of Faerie)]]'' #1-4 - {{cite book | author=Gaiman, Neil and Vess, Charles | title=Stardust (Being a Romance Within the Realm of Faerie) | location=New York | publisher=Vertigo/DC Comics | year=1997-1998 | id=ISBN 1-56389-431-9 ; 1-56-389470-X (pbk.)}}
* ''[[Neil Gaiman's Only the End of the World Again]] - {{cite book | title=Neil Gaiman's Only the End of the World Again | author=Neil Gamian | coauthors=P. Craig Russell, Troy Nixey, Matthew Hollingsworth | publiser=Oni Press | year=2000 | id=ISBN 1-929998-09-0 | pages=48pp }} (reprints story previously serialized in [[Oni Press]]' [[Oni Double Feature]] #6-8).
* ''[[Neil Gaiman's Midnight Days]]'' (Samling av tidigare arbeten med olika tecknare, inkl. [[Matt Wagner]]) (Vertigo/DC Comics, 1999)
- {{cite book | author=Gaiman, Neil and Wagner, Matt | title=Neil Gaiman's Midnight Days | location=New York | publisher=Vertigo/DC Comics | year=1999 | id=ISBN 1-56389-517-X }}
* ''[[Green Lantern/Superman: Legend of the Green Flame]]'' (previously unpublished script with various artists) - {{cite book | author=Gaiman, Neil ''et al.'' | title=Green Lantern/Superman: Legend of the Green Flame | location=New York | publisher=DC Comics | year=2000 | id=ISBN '''Unknown'''}}
* ''[[Harlequin Valentine]]'' - {{cite book | author=Gaiman, Neil and [[John Bolton (comic book artist)|Bolton, John]] | title=Harlequin Valentine | location=Milwaukie, OR | publisher=Dark Horse Comics | year=2001 | id=ISBN 1-56971-620-X }}
* ''[[Murder Mysteries]]'' - {{cite book | author=[[P. Craig Russell|Russell, P. Craig]] and Gaiman, Neil | title=Neil Gaiman's Murder Mysteries | location=Milwaukie, OR | publisher=Dark Horse Comics | year=2002 | id=ISBN 1-56971-634-X }}
* ''[[Marvel 1602]]'' #1-8 - {{cite book | author=Gaiman, Neil and [[Andy Kubert|Kubert, Andy]] | title=Marvel 1602 | location=New York | publisher=Marvel Comics | year=2003 | id=ISBN 0-7851-1070-4 }}
* ''[[Endless Nights]]'' - {{cite book | author=Gaiman, Neil; Klein, Todd; and Fabry, Glenn | title=Endless Nights | location=New York | publisher=Vertigo Comics | year=2003 | id=ISBN 1-4012-0089-3 ; 1-40-120113-X (pbk.)}}
* ''Creatures of the Night'' ("The Price", "The Daughter of Owls"), 2004; art by Michael Zulli. Dark Horse Books.
* ''[[Eternals (comics)|Eternals]]'' - {{cite book | author=Gaiman, Neil | title=Eternals | location=New York | publisher=Marvel Comics | year=2006 }}
* ''[[Neverwhere (novel)]]'' - Neverwhere. Harper Perennial (September 2, 2003) ISBN 0060557818 400 pages
* ''[[Good Omens]]'' - {{cite book | author=Gaiman, Neil and [[Terry Pratchett|Pratchett, Terry]] | title=Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch | location=New York | publisher=Workman Pub. | year=1990 | id=ISBN 0-89480-853-2 }}
* ''[[American Gods]]'' - {{cite book | author=Gaiman, Neil | title=American Gods | location=New York | publisher=W. Morrow | year=2001 | id=ISBN 0-380-97365-0 (alk. paper)}}
* ''[[Anansi Boys]]'' - {{cite book | author=Gaiman, Neil | title=Anansi Boys | location=New York | publisher=HarperCollins | year=2005 | id=ISBN 0-06-051518-X ;}} A novel featuring the son of the spider god [[Anansi]], who only finds out about his father's true nature after the latter's death. Moreover, not only is the protagonist quite chagrined to find out he didn't inherit any of his father's powers, but his heretofore unknown brother did. Tangentially related to [[American Gods]]. This novel debuted at Number 1 on the [[New York Times]] hardback fiction [[bestseller]] list.
===Junior fiction===
[[Image:Neil gaiman coraline NBF2005.jpg|thumb|Neil Gaiman autographing a copy of ''Coraline'', National Book Fair, [[Washington DC]], 2005|200px|right]]
* ''[[The Day I Swapped my Dad for Two Goldfish]]'' - {{cite book | author=Gaiman, Neil and McKean, Dave (ill.) | title=The Day I Swapped my Dad for Two Goldfish | location=New York | publisher=HarperCollins | year=1997 | id=ISBN 0060587016}} Illustrated children's book.
* ''[[Coraline]]'' (2002) - {{cite book | author=Gaiman, Neil and McKean, Dave (ill.) | title=Coraline | location=New York | publisher=HarperCollins | year=2002 | id=ISBN 0-380-97778-8 ; 0-06-623744-0 (lib. bdg.)}}
* ''[[The Wolves in the Walls]]'' - {{cite book | author=Gaiman, Neil and McKean, Dave (ill.) | title=The Wolves in the Walls | location=New York | publisher=HarperCollins | year=2003 | id=ISBN 0-380-97827-X ; 0-06-053087-1 (lib. bdg.)}} Illustrated children's book.
* ''Melinda'' - Gaiman, Neil and [ Dagmara Matuszak] (ill.), Hill House Publishers (2004). Limited edition "sketch" story. Only 1.500 were ever printed, with 400 going to the author, and 100 to the illustrator.
*''Mirrormask: A Really Useful Book'', Dark Horse Books 2005.
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Versionen från 6 augusti 2008 kl. 12.41

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Neil Gaimans "Sandman" i Brian Bollands tappning. © DC Comics.

Neil Gaiman är en uppburen brittisk serieskapare och författare till "vanliga" böcker som funnit en bred publik. Upphovsman till bland annat "Outrageous Tales from the Old Testament". Mest känd för sin version av figuren "Sandman".


Neil Gaiman föddes 10 november 1960 i Portchester i Storbritannien. 1965 flyttade hans familj till Portchester, för att föräldrarna skulle arbeta för Scientologikyrkan. Sin jobbkarriär började Gaiman som journalist, och hans första publicerade bok, en biografi om Duran Duran, kom 1984. 1986 publicerades den första serien på hans manus, ett avsnitt av Tharg's Future Shocks, "You're Never Alone With a Phone", med bild av John Hicklenton, i 2000 AD. Neil Gaimans första seriebok Violent Cases, med bild av Dave McKean, publicerades 1987 av Titan.

I dag bor Gaiman i USA nära Minneapolis i Minnesota i ett 'familjen Addamshus', enligt honom själv [1].




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