Garth: Skillnad mellan sidversioner

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Andreas (diskussion | bidrag)
Rad 177: Rad 177:
| "The Mask of Atacama" || 1973-07-13–1973-10-25 || Edgar || Bellamy ||  
| "The Mask of Atacama" || 1973-07-13–1973-10-25 || Edgar || Bellamy ||  
| "The Wreckers" || 1973-10-26–1974-02-18 || Edgar || Bellamy || "Den maktgalne", ''Agent X9'' nr  2/1990<br>"Den maktgalne", ''Agent X9'' nr 12/1994  
| "The Wreckers" || 1973-10-26–1974-02-18 || Edgar || Bellamy || "Den maktgalne", ''Agent X9'' nr 12/1994  
| "The Beast of Ultor" || 1974-02-19–1974-06-05 || Edgar || Bellamy || &nbsp;
| "The Beast of Ultor" || 1974-02-19–1974-06-05 || Edgar || Bellamy || &nbsp;

Versionen från 14 januari 2012 kl. 23.41

"Garth" av Martin Asbury ur Agent X9 nr 2/1991 © Bulls

"Garth", brittisk science fiction-serie om en muskulös äventyrare på resor genom tid och rymd.


Serien skapades 1943 av författaren Don Freeman och tecknarna John Allard och Steve Dowling för tidningen The Daily Mirror. Serien har sedermera tecknats av Frank Bellamy och Martin Asbury. Bland de mest produktiva författarna märks Peter O'Donnell och Jim Edgar. Serien lades ner 1997.

2008 producerades ett nytt äventyr för The Mirrors nätupplaga, skrivet och tecknat av Huw J. Davies.


På svenska publicerades serien redan 1946 i tidningen Karl-Alfred, men dess vanligaste hemvist har under alla år varit tidningen Agent X9 och dess sidotitlar. En engångspulikation gjordes med serien av Red Clown 1974.


Nedanstående index omfattar originalpublicering i The Daily Mirror, originaltitlar och upphovsmän[1], samt svensk publicering av äventyren.

Originaltitel Originalpublicering Författare Tecknare Svensk publicering
"Garth" 1943-07-24–1944-03-11 Freeman/Dowling Allard/Dowling  
"Children of the Dawn" 1944-03-13–1944-08-05 Freeman Allard/Dowling  
"The Island Laboratory" 1944-08-07–1944-09-16 Freeman Allard/Dowling  
"The Seven Ages of Garth" 1944-09-18–1946-01-20 Freeman Allard/Dowling  
"The Saga of Garth" 1946-01-22–1946-07-20 Freeman Allard/Dowling  
"The Awakening of Garth" 1946-07-22–1946-10-19 Freeman Hailstone/Dowling  
"The Quest of the G-Ray" 1946-10-21–1947-04-26 Freeman Hailstone/Dowling  
"Garth versus the Brain" 1947-04-28–1947-08-15 Freeman Hailstone/Dowling  
"Deep Waters" 1947-08-16–1948-01-24 Freeman Hailstone/Dowling  
"Into the Abyss" 1948-01-26–1948-01-24 Freeman Hailstone/Dowling "Kvinnan från havsbotten", Agent X9 nr 12/1993
"Olympic Champion" 1948-04-12–1948-09-20 Freeman Hailstone/Dowling  
"The Wonder Women" 1948-09-21–1949-02-08 Freeman Allard/Dowling  
"Man Hunt" 1949-02-09–1949-07-09 Freeman Allard/Dowling  
"Selim the Slaver" 1949-07-11–1949-11-26 Freeman Allard/Dowling  
"Garth and the Glove Game" 1949-11-28–1950-06-03 Freeman Allard/Dowling "Knockout-kungen", Agent X9 nr 4/1990
"Journey to Jason" 1950-06-05–1950-12-23 Freeman Allard/Dowling  
"Space-Time Traveller" 1950-12-27–1951-05-12 Freeman Allard/Dowling  
"The Phantom Pharaoh" 1951-05-14–1951-10-06 Freeman Allard/Dowling  
"Wings of the Night" 1951-10-08–1952-03-17 Freeman Allard/Dowling "Den blodtöstige", Agent X9 nr 6/1990
"Space Time Rivals" 1952-03-18–1952-07-05 Freeman Allard/Dowling  
"Flight into the Future" 1952-07-07–1952-10-25 Freeman Allard/Dowling  
"Invasion from Space" 1952-10-27–1953-02-14 McClelland Allard/Dowling  
"Warriors of Krull" 1953-02-16–1953-06-13 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling "Kämparna på Kalima", Agent X9 nr 11/1989
"In Hollywood" 1953-06-15–1953-11-14 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling "Trubbel i Hollywood", Agent X9 nr 9/1990
"The Return of Malveno" 1953-11-16–1954-05-05 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling "Malvenos återkomst", Agent X9 nr 1/1990
"The Golden Sphere" 1954-05-06–1954-12-04 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling  
"The 13th Man" 1954-12-05–1955-07-02 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling "De maktgalna", Agent X9 nr 13/1987
"The Stone of Solomon" 1955-07-04–1956-01-25 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling "Salomos sten", Agent X9 nr 6/1988
"The Fantastic Doctor Quyn" 1956-01-26–1956-07-02 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling "Den fantastiske doktor Quyn", Agent X9 nr 2/1988
"The Hand of Attilla" 1956-07-03–1957-01-01 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling "Attilas hämnd", Agent X9 nr 10/1987
"The Last Goddess" 1957-01-02–1957-06-26 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling  
"The Captive" 1957-06-27–1958-01-15 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling  
"The Sorceror" 1958-01-16–1958-07-31 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling  
"The Mask of Chang Ku" 1958-08-01–1959-02-03 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling  
"Crystals of Camelot" 1959-02-04–1959-08-16 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling  
"The Big Game" 1959-02-04–1960-03-15 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling  
"The Living Mountain" 1960-03-16–1960-08-24 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling "Det levande berget", Agent X9 nr 4/1987
"The Long Sleep" 1960-08-25–1961-03-09 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling "Den långa sömnen", Agent X0 nr 5/1985
"Warrior World" 1961-03-10–1961-08-26 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling  
"The Static Zone" 1961-08-28–1962-02-21 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling  
"When Venus was Born" 1962-02-22–1962-09-15 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling  
"The Hounds of Skarn" 1962-09-17–1963-02-23 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling  
"The Islands of Kaa" 1963-02-25–1963-08-03 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling  
"The Troll" 1963-08-05–1963-11-27 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling "Trollet", Agent X9 nr 3/1986
"The Golden Slayer" 1963-11-28–1964-05-16 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling "Den gyllene dråparen", Agent X9 nr 15/1986
"The Rebels" 1964-05-18–1964-11-16 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling "Rebellerna", Agent X9 nr 11/1986
"The Teenager" 1964-11-17–1965-04-17 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling  
"The Big Joker" 1965-04-19–1965-08-28 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling  
"The Time Couriers" 1965-08-30–1965-12-24 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling  
"The Invaders" 1965-12-28–1966-04-23 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling "De främmande djävlarna", Agent X9 nr 2/1989
"The Brain" 1966-04-25–1966-08-13 Edgar Allard/Dowling  
"The Night of the Knives" 1966-08-15–1966-11-28 Edgar Allard/Dowling "Knivarnas natt", Agent X9 nr 10/1988
"Lord of the Computers" 1966-11-29–1967-03-28 Edgar Allard/Dowling  
"The Wakening" 1967-03-29–1967-07-27 Edgar Allard/Dowling "Världens undergång", Agent X9 nr 5/1989
"Wrath of Venus" 1967-07-28–1967-11-07 Edgar Allard/Dowling  
"The Glenoig Miracle" 1967-11-08–1968-03-15 Edgar Allard/Dowling  
"The Time Lock" 1968-03-16–1968-07-06 Edgar Allard/Dowling  
"The Web of Dionara" (del 1)1 1968-07-08–1968-08-28 Edgar Allard/Dowling  
"The Troll"2 1968-08-29–1968-11-18 O'Donnell Allard/Dowling  
"The Web of Dionara" (del 2)1 1968-11-19–1969-01-08 Edgar Allard/Dowling  
"Mind Destroyers" 1969-01-09–1969-04-22 Edgar Allard/Dowling  
"The Rohan legend" 1969-04-23–1969-08-01 Edgar Allard  
"Playboy of Space" 1969-08-02–1969-11-07 Edgar Allard  
"These Men are Mine" 1969-11-08–1970-02-16 Edgar Allard "De fjärrstyrda mördarna", Agent X9 nr 8/1986
"Exiles" 1970-02-17–1970-05-21 Edgar Allard  
"Ghost Ship" 1970-05-22–1970-09-02 Edgar Allard  
"The Brain Voyagers" 1970-09-03–1970-12-09 Edgar Allard  
"The Syndicate" 1970-12-10–1971-03-20 Edgar Allard "Gangstersyndikatet", Agent X9 nr 4/1986
"Journey into Fear" 1971-03-22–1971-06-26 Edgar Allard  
"Sundance" 1971-06-28–1971-10-11 Edgar Bellamy/Allard  
"The Cloud of Balthus" 1971-10-12–1972-01-27 Edgar Bellamy/Allard  
"The Orb of Trimandias" 1972-01-28–1972-05-22 Edgar Bellamy/Allard "Den magiska globen", Agent X9 nr 9/1986
"Wolf Man of Ausensee" 1972-05-23–1972-09-06 Edgar Bellamy  
"People of the Abyss" 1972-09-07–1972-12-23 Edgar Bellamy  
"The Women of Galba" 1972-12-27–1973-04-10 Edgar Bellamy "Revolten på Galba", Agent X9 nr 9/1994
"Ghost Town" 1973-04-11–1973-07-12 Edgar Bellamy  
"The Mask of Atacama" 1973-07-13–1973-10-25 Edgar Bellamy  
"The Wreckers" 1973-10-26–1974-02-18 Edgar Bellamy "Den maktgalne", Agent X9 nr 12/1994
"The Beast of Ultor" 1974-02-19–1974-06-05 Edgar Bellamy  
"Freak out to Fear" 1974-06-06–1974-09-27 Edgar Bellamy  
"Bridge of Jenghiz Khan" 1974-09-28–1975-01-14 Edgar Bellamy  
"The Angels of Hell Gap" 1975-01-15–1975-05-02 Edgar Bellamy  
"The Doomsmen" 1975-05-03–1975-08-15 Edgar Bellamy "Robotmännen", Agent X9 nr 2/1994
"The Bubble Man" 1975-08-16–1975-11-28 Edgar Bellamy  
"The Beautiful People" 1975-11-29–1976-03-16 Edgar Bellamy  
"The Spanish Lady" 1976-03-17–1976-07-07 Edgar Bellamy  
"Ghost Town"3 1976-07-08–1976-10-06 Edgar Bellamy  
"The Man-Hunt" 1976-10-07–1977-01-15 Edgar Bellamy/Asbury  
"Ship of Secrets" 1977-01-17–1977-04-29 Edgar Asbury  
"Mr. Rubio Calls" 1977-04-30–1977-08-15 Edgar Asbury  
"Sapphire" 1977-08-16–1977-11-28 Allard/Edgar Asbury  
"Finality Factor" 1977-11-29–1978-04-12 Allard/Edgar Asbury  
"Power Game" 1978-04-13–1978-08-10 Allard/Edgar Asbury  
"The Long Sleep" 1978-08-11–1978-11-18 Allard/Edgar Asbury  
"Voyage into Time" 1978-11-20–1979-03-15 Allard/Edgar Asbury  
"The Fisherman" 1979-03-16–1979-07-14 Allard/Edgar Asbury  
"The Mind Stealers" 1979-07-16–1979-11-10 Allard/Edgar Asbury  
"Citizen Mundo 19500" 1979-11-12–1980-02-23 Allard/Edgar Asbury  
"French Woman" 1980-02-25–1980-06-13 Allard/Edgar Asbury  
"The Forgotten" 1980-06-14–1980-10-02 Allard/Edgar Asbury  
"The Iron Maidens" 1980-10-03–1981-02-14 Allard/Edgar Asbury  
"Legion of the Damned" 1981-02-16–1981-04-28 Allard/Edgar Asbury  
"Make Your Play" 1981-04-29–1981-06-02 Allard/Edgar Asbury  
"Day of Anger" 1981-06-03–1981-10-07 Allard/Edgar Asbury  
"The Space Mods" 1981-10-08–1982-02-13 Allard/Edgar Asbury  
"Seek and Destroy" 1982-02-15–1982-06-07 Allard/Edgar Asbury  
"The Bombers" 1982-06-08–1982-10-05 Allard/Edgar Asbury  
"Hunters" 1982-10-06–1983-01-27 Allard/Edgar Asbury "Mr X", Agent X9 nr 11/1984
"Merchants of Terror" 1983-01-28–1983-04-29 Edgar Asbury  
"Hammer of Thorwald" 1983-04-30–1983-08-01 Edgar Asbury "Thorwalds hammare", Agent X9 nr 2/1984
"Sammy" 1983-08-02–1983-11-03 Edgar Asbury  
"La Belle Sauvage" 1983-11-04–1984-02-07 Edgar Asbury  
"Tell No Tales" 1984-02-08–1984-05-09 Edgar Asbury  
"Lords of Space" 1984-04-10–1984-08-24 Edgar Asbury  
"Winning is all" 1984-08-25–1984-11-24 Edgar Asbury  
"Whose Finger on the Button?" 1984-11-26–1985-03-07 Edgar Asbury  
"This Land is Mine" 1985-03-08–1985-06-06 Edgar Asbury "Den sista striden", Agent X9 nr 6/1991
"Tigress" 1985-06-07–1985-09-05 Edgar Asbury "Tigrinnan", Agent X9 nr 1/1986
"Comet of Doom" 1985-09-06–1985-12-05 Allan Asbury  
"Return to Thule" 1985-12-06–1986-03-14 Edgar Asbury "Vikingaguldet", Agent X9 nr 10/1986
"Sage of Eadon" 1986-03-15–1986-06-16 Allan Asbury  
"Brotherhood of Blood" 1986-06-17–1986-09-15 Edgar Asbury  
"Vengeance of Venn" 1986-09-16–1986-12-16 Allan Asbury  
"Outlaws" 1986-12-17–1987-03-18 Edgar Asbury  
"Super-Hero" 1987-03-19–1987-06-17 Allan Asbury "Tvekampen", Agent X9 nr 12/1987
"The Great Beast" 1987-06-18–1987-09-16 Edgar Asbury "Vilddjuret", Agent X9 nr 1/1988
"The Gallant and Gray" 1987-09-17–1987-12-17 Allan Asbury  
"The Don's Daughter" 1987-12-18–1988-03-17 Edgar Asbury  
"In the Beginning" 1988-03-18–1988-06-17 Allan Asbury "Den heliga cirkeln", Agent X9 nr 1/1989
"Body Swap" 1988-06-18–1988-09-16 Edgar Asbury "Doktor Brinners hämnd", Agent X9 nr 3/1989
"Beyond the Dreamtime" 1988-09-17–1988-12-15 Allan Asbury  
"Venus Trap" 1988-12-16–1989-03-16 Edgar Asbury  
"Takeover UK!" 1989-03-17–1989-06-15 Allard Asbury "Gangsterkriget", Agent X9 nr 10/1989
"Scourge of God" 1989-16-06–1989-09-14 Edgar Asbury  
"The Doll Master" 1989-09-15–1989-12-14 Allan Asbury "De levande dockorna", Agent X9 nr 7/1990
"Swordman of Sucubus" 1989-12-15–1990-03-16 Edgar Asbury  
"The Chiller Connection" 1990-03-17–1990-06-15 Allan/Allard Asbury "Iskalla affärer", Agent X9 nr 12/1990
"Dancing Queen" 1990-06-16–1990-09-14 Edgar Asbury  
"Dark Side" 1990-09-15–1990-12-14 Allard Asbury  
"Treasure of Colchis" 1990-12-15–1991-03-16 Allard/Quinn Asbury  
"Bedside Manor" 1991-03-18–1991-06-15 Edgar Asbury  
"Apache Moon" 1991-06-17–1991-09-14 Edgar Asbury  
"The Iceman Liveth" 1991-09-16–1991-12-14 Quinn Asbury  
"Hell-Fire" 1991-12-16–1992-03-16 Edgar Asbury "Hellfire!", Agent X9 nr 11/1994
"Blood Sport" 1992-03-17–1992-06-15 Quinn Asbury "Dödsleken", Agent X9 nr 3/1993
"Man on the Edge" 1992-06-16–1992-09-14 Allard Asbury "Sagan om Garth", Agent X9 nr 4/1994
"The Killing of Rusty O'Roare" 1992-09-15–1992-12-14 Edgar Asbury  
"Twin Souls" 1992-12-15–1993-03-16 Harbottle Asbury "Kosmiska tvillingar", Agent X9 nr 2/1995
"Viva El Garto!" 1993-03-17–1993-06-15 Allan Asbury  
"Return to the Static Zone" 1993-06-16–1993-09-14 Allard/O'Donnell4 Asbury "Där tiden stod still", Agent X9 nr 12/2000
"Warlord" 1993-09-15–1993-12-14 Allard/Harbottle Asbury  
"Champions" 1993-12-15–1994-03-16 Allard/Harbottle Asbury  
"Nightmare in Paris" 1994-03-17–1994-06-15 Allan Asbury  
"Days of Doom" 1994-06-16–1994-09-14 Allard Asbury  
"Twilight World" 1994-09-15–1994-11-23 Harbottle Asbury  
"Stag Night" 1994-11-24–1995-01-18 Asbury Asbury  
"Devil Woman" 1995-01-19–1995-03-29 Harbottle Asbury "Djävulskvinnan", Agent X9 nr 8/1998
"Home Run" 1995-03-30–1995-06-07 Allan Asbury  
"Submission" 1995-06-08–1995-08-16 Asbury Asbury  
"Bigfoot" 1995-08-17–1995-10-25 Tomlinson Asbury "Bigfoot", Agent X9 nr 11/2000
"Railhead" 1995-10-26–1996-01-05 Allan Asbury  
"Room 202" 1996-01-06–1996-03-14 Asbury Asbury  
"Mistress Orange" 1996-03-15–1996-05-23 Asbury Asbury  
"Nasuanna" 1996-05-24–1996-08-08 Asbury Asbury  
"Sal's Island" 1996-08-09–1996-10-17 Tranter Asbury  
"The Picture" 1996-10-18–1996-12-28 Asbury Asbury  
"Dam Drivers" 1996-12-31–1997-02-08 Asbury Asbury "Dödens väg", Agent X9 nr 2/2001
"Z File" 1997-02-10–1997-03-22 Asbury Asbury  
  • 1. Avbröts på grund av strejk.
  • 2. Repris på grund av strejk.
  • 3. Repris på grund av Frank Bellamys död.
  • 4. O'Donnell skrev inget nytt manus till detta äventyr, men krediterades eftersom han skapade "The Static Zone" som äventyret utspelar sig i.

Mer om Garth



  1. Baserat på index sammanställt av Geoffrey Wren och Ann Holmes och publicerat på (numera nedlagd sajt)