Charlton Comics: Skillnad mellan sidversioner

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m Utgivna titlar: Gaffling
(6 mellanliggande sidversioner av 2 användare visas inte)
Rad 1: Rad 1:
[[Kategori:Förlag och studior]]
[[Kategori:Förlag och studior]]
[[Kategori:Amerikanska förlag och studior]]
[[Kategori:Amerikanska förlag och studior]]
Numera nedlagt amerikanskt serieförlag som grundades 1945, där bland annat [[Dick Giordano]] och [[Bob Layton]] startade sina karriärer. Vid nedläggningen 1986 köptes förlagets [[superhjältar]] (bland dessa [[The Question]], [[Blue Beetle]] och [[Captain Atom]]) av konkurrenten [[DC Comics]]. Av förlagets resterande serier såldes några tillbaka till upphovsmännen medan den största delen köptes av Roger Broughton, ägare av [[American Comics Group]].  
'''Charlton Comics''', numera nedlagt amerikanskt serieförlag som grundades 1945, där bland annat [[Dick Giordano]] och [[Bob Layton]] startade sina karriärer. Vid nedläggningen 1986 köptes förlagets [[superhjältar]] (bland dessa [[The Question]], [[Blue Beetle]] och [[Captain Atom]]) av konkurrenten [[DC Comics]]. Av förlagets resterande serier såldes några tillbaka till upphovsmännen medan den största delen köptes av [[Roger Broughton]], ägare av [[American Comics Group]].  

==Utgivna titlar==
==Utgivna titlar==
[[Bild:ScotlandYard.jpg|right|200px|thumb| '''''Scotland Yard''''', nr 1/1955. Bild av [[Dick Giordano]]. © [[Charlton Comics]]. ]]
[[Bild:ScotlandYard.jpg|right|200px|thumb| '''''Scotland Yard''''', nr 1/1955. Bild av [[Dick Giordano]]. © [[Charlton Comics]]. ]]
[[Bild:34991.jpg|right|200px|thumb| '''''Tales of the Mysterious Traveler''''', nr 10/1956. Bild av [[Steve Ditko]]. © [[Charlton Comics]]. ]]
[[Bild:34991.jpg|right|200px|thumb| '''''Tales of the Mysterious Traveler''''', nr 10/1958. Bild av [[Steve Ditko]]. © [[Charlton Comics]]. ]]
[[Bild:Charlton-Terry.jpg|right|200px|thumb| '''''Terry and the Pirates''''', nr 26/1955. Bild av [[George Wunder]]. © [[Charlton Comics]]. ]]
[[Bild:Charlton-Terry.jpg|right|200px|thumb| '''''Terry and the Pirates''''', nr 26/1955. Bild av [[George Wunder]]. © [[Charlton Comics]]. ]]
[[Bild:SpaceAdventures.jpg|right|200px|thumb| '''''Space Adventures''''', nr 25/1958. Bild av [[Dick Giordano]]. © [[Charlton Comics]]. ]]
[[Bild:SpaceAdventures.jpg|right|200px|thumb| '''''Space Adventures''''', nr 25/1958. Bild av [[Dick Giordano]]. © [[Charlton Comics]]. ]]
* [[All-American Sports]]
[[Bild:CowboyLove.jpg|right|200px|thumb| '''''Cowboy Love''''', nr 31/1955. Bild av [[Ted Galindo]]. © [[Charlton Comics]]. ]]
* [[Army Attack]]
[[Bild:NeverAgain.jpg|right|200px|thumb| '''''Never Again''''', nr 8/1956 Bild av [[Ross Andru]] och [[Mike Esposito]]. © [[Charlton Comics]]. ]]
* [[Army War Heroes]]
[[Bild:TeenAgeLove.jpg|right|200px|thumb| '''''Teen-Age Love''''', nr 21/1961 Bild av [[Joe Sinnott]] och [[Vince Colletta]]. © [[Charlton Comics]]. ]]
* [[Atom the Cat]]
[[Bild:FunnyAnimals.jpg|right|200px|thumb| '''''Funny Animals''''', nr 84/1954 Bild av [[Al Fago]]. © [[Charlton Comics]]. ]]
* [[Atomic Bunny]]
* ''[[All-American Sports]]''
* [[Atomic Mouse]]
* ''[[Army Attack]]''
* [[Atomic Rabbit]]
* ''[[Army War Heroes]]''
* [[Attack]]
* ''[[Atom the Cat]]''
* [[Attack at Sea]]
* ''[[Atomic Bunny]]''
* [[Badge of Justice]]
* ''[[Atomic Mouse]]''
* [[Battlefield Action]]
* ''[[Atomic Rabbit]]''
* [[The Best of Marmaduke]]
* ''[[Attack]]''
* [[Billy the Kid]]
* ''[[Attack at Sea]]''
* [[Black Fury]]
* ''[[Badge of Justice]]''
* [[Blue Beetle]]
* ''[[Battlefield Action]]''
* [[Bo]]
* ''[[Marmaduke|The Best of Marmaduke]]''
* [[Brenda Starr]]
* ''[[Billy the Kid]]''
* [[Brides in Love]]
* ''[[Black Fury]]''
* [[Captain Atom]]
* ''[[Blue Beetle]]''
* [[Captain Gallant]]
* ''[[Bo (Charlton)|Bo]]''
* [[Career Girl Romances]]
* ''[[Brenda Starr]]''
* [[Charlie Chan]]
* ''[[Brides in Love]]''
* [[Charlton Premiere]]
* ''[[Captain Atom]]''
* [[Cheyenne Kid]]
* ''[[Captain Gallant]]''
* [[Cody of the Pony Express]]
* ''[[Career Girl Romances]]''
* [[Confidential Diary]]
* ''[[Charlie Chan]]''
* [[Cowboy Love]]
* ''[[Charlton Premiere]]''
* [[Cowboy Western]]
* ''[[Cheyenne Kid]]''
* [[Crazy, Man, Crazy]]
* ''[[Cody of the Pony Express]]''
* [[Crime and Justice]]
* ''[[Confidential Diary]]''
* [[Cynthia Doyle, Nurse in Love]]
* ''[[Cowboy Love]]''
* [[D-Day]]
* ''[[Cowboy Western]]''
* [[Danger]]
* ''[[Crazy, Man, Crazy]]''
* [[Danger and Adventure]]
* ''[[Crime and Justice]]''
* [[Danny Blaze]]
* ''[[Cynthia Doyle, Nurse in Love]]''
* [[Davy Crockett]]
* ''[[D-Day]]''
* [[Death Valley]]
* ''[[Danger]]''
* [[Doctor Tom Brent, Young Intern]]
*'' [[Danger and Adventure]]''
* [[Don Winslow]]
* ''[[Danny Blaze]]''
* [[Drag-Strip Hotrodders]]
* ''[[Davy Crockett]]''
* [[Eh!]]
* ''[[Death Valley]]''
* [[Emergency Doctor]]
* ''[[Doctor Tom Brent, Young Intern]]''
* [[Fantastic Giants]]
* ''[[Don Winslow]]''
* [[Fightin' Air Force]]
* ''[[Drag-Strip Hotrodders]]''
* [[Fightin' Army]]
* ''[[Eh!]]''
* [[Fightin' Five]]
* ''[[Emergency Doctor]]''
* [[Fightin' Marines]]
* ''[[Fantastic Giants]]''
* [[Fightin' Navy]]
* ''[[Fightin' Air Force]]''
* [[First Kiss]]
* ''[[Fightin' Army]]''
* [[Foreign Intrigues]]
* ''[[Fightin' Five]]''
* [[Frank Merriwell at Yale]]
* ''[[Fightin' Marines]]''
* [[Freddy]]
* ''[[Fightin' Navy]]''
* [[From Here to Insanity]]
* ''[[First Kiss]]''
* [[Frontier Scout, Dan'l Boone]]
* ''[[Foreign Intrigues]]''
* [[Funny Animals]]
* ''[[Frank Merriwell at Yale]]''
* [[Gabby Hayes]]
* ''[[Freddy (Charlton)|Freddy]]''
* [[Ghostly Tales]]
* ''[[From Here to Insanity]]''
* [[Giant Comics]]
* ''[[Frontier Scout, Dan'l Boone]]''
* [[Go-Go]]
* ''[[Funny Animals]]''
* [[Good Humor]]
* ''[[Gabby Hayes]]''
* [[Gorgo]]
* ''[[Ghostly Tales]]''
* [[Grand Prix]]
* ''[[Giant Comics]]''
* [[Green Planet]]
* ''[[Go-Go]]''
* [[Gunfighters]]
* ''[[Good Humor]]''
* [[Gunmaster]]
* ''[[Gorgo]]''
* [[Hercules]]
* ''[[Grand Prix (Charlton)|Grand Prix]]''
* [[High School Confidential Diary]]
* ''[[Green Planet]]''
* [[Hillbilly Comics]]
* ''[[Gunfighters]]''
* [[Hollywood Romances]]
* ''[[Gunmaster]]''
* [[Holiday Surprise]]
* ''[[Hercules (Charlton)|Hercules]]''
* [[Hot Rod Racers]]
* ''[[High School Confidential Diary]]''
* [[Hot Rods and Racing Cars]]
* ''[[Hillbilly Comics]]''
* [[Hunk]]
* ''[[Hollywood Romances]]''
* [[I Love You]]
* ''[[Holiday Surprise]]''
* [[In Love]]
* ''[[Hot Rod Racers]]''
* [[Intimate]]
* ''[[Hot Rods and Racing Cars]]''
* [[Jack in the Box Comics]]
* ''[[Hunk]]''
* [[Jerry Drummer]]
* ''[[I Love You]]''
* [[Jim Bowie]]
* ''[[In Love]]''
* [[Johnny Dynamite]]
* ''[[Intimate]]''
* [[Judomaster]]
* ''[[Jack in the Box Comics]]''
* [[Just Married]]
* ''[[Jerry Drummer]]''
* [[Kid Montana]]
* ''[[Jim Bowie]]''
* [[Konga]]
* ''[[Johnny Dynamite]]''
* [[Lash Larue Western]]
* ''[[Judomaster]]''
* [[Lawbreakers]]
* ''[[Just Married]]''
* [[Lawbreakers Suspense Stories]]
* ''[[Kid Montana]]''
* [[Li'l Genius]]
* ''[[Konga]]''
* [[Li'l Rascal Twins]]
* ''[[Lash Larue Western]]''
* [[Li'l Tomboy]]
* ''[[Lawbreakers]]''
* [[Long John Silver]]
* ''[[Lawbreakers Suspense Stories]]''
* [[Love Diary]]
* ''[[Li'l Genius]]''
* [[Maco Toys]]
* ''[[Li'l Rascal Twins]]''
* [[The Many Ghosts of Doctor Graves]]
* ''[[Li'l Tomboy]]''
* [[Marco Polo]]
* ''[[Long John Silver]]''
* [[Marine War Heroes]]
* ''[[Love Diary]]''
* [[Marines Attack]]
* ''[[Maco Toys]]''
* [[Marvels of Science]]
* ''[[The Many Ghosts of Doctor Graves]]''
* [[Masked Raider]]
* ''[[Marco Polo]]''
* [[Maverick Marshal]]
* ''[[Marine War Heroes]]''
* [[Monte Hale]]
* ''[[Marines Attack]]''
* [[Mr. Muscles]]
* ''[[Marvels of Science]]''
* [[My Little Margie]]
* ''[[Masked Raider]]''
* [[My Little Margie's Boyfriends]]
* ''[[Maverick Marshal]]''
* [[My Little Margie's Fashions]]
* ''[[Monte Hale]]''
* [[My Secret Life]]
* ''[[Mr. Muscles]]''
* [[Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds]]
* ''[[My Little Margie]]''
* [[Mysterious Suspense]]
* ''[[My Little Margie's Boyfriends]]''
* [[Nature Boy]]
* ''[[My Little Margie's Fashions]]''
* [[Navy War Heroes]]
* ''[[My Secret Life]]''
* [[Never Again]]
* ''[[Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds]]''
* [[Nurse Betsy Crane]]
* ''[[Mysterious Suspense]]''
* [[Nyoka the Jungle Girl]]
* ''[[Nature Boy]]''
* [[Out of this World]]
* ''[[Navy War Heroes]]''
* [[Outer Space]]
* ''[[Never Again]]''
* [[Outlaws of the West]]
* ''[[Nurse Betsy Crane]]''
* [[Peacemaker]]
* ''[[Nyoka the Jungle Girl]]''
* [[Pictorial Love Stories]]
* ''[[Out of this World]]''
* [[Police Trap]]
* ''[[Outer Space]]''
* [[Public Defender in Action]]
* ''[[Outlaws of the West]]''
* [[Pudgy Pig]]
* ''[[Peacemaker]]''
* [[Racket Squad in Action]]
* ''[[Pictorial Love Stories]]''
* [[Ramar of the Jungle]]
* ''[[Police Trap]]''
* [[Range Busters]]
* ''[[Public Defender in Action]]''
* [[Registered Nurse]]
* ''[[Pudgy Pig]]''
* [[Reptilicus]]
* ''[[Racket Squad in Action]]''
* [[Reptisaurus]]
* ''[[Ramar of the Jungle]]''
* [[Robin Hood and His Merry Men]]
* ''[[Range Busters]]''
* [[Rock and Rollo]]
* ''[[Registered Nurse]]''
* [[Rocky Lane Western]]
* ''[[Reptilicus]]''
* [[Rocky Lane's Black Jack]]
* ''[[Reptisaurus]]''
* [[Romantic Secrets]]
* ''[[Robin Hood and His Merry Men]]''
* [[Romantic Story]]
* ''[[Rock and Rollo]]''
* [[Rookie Cop]]
* ''[[Rocky Lane Western]]''
* [[Santa's Tinker Tots]]
* ''[[Rocky Lane's Black Jack]]''
* [[Sarge Steel]]
* ''[[Romantic Secrets]]''
* [[Scotland Yard]]
* ''[[Romantic Story]]''
* [[Secret Agent]]
* ''[[Rookie Cop]]''
* [[Secret Romance]]
* ''[[Santa's Tinker Tots]]''
* [[Secrets of Love and Marriage]]
* ''[[Sarge Steel]]''
* [[Secrets of Young Brides]]
* ''[[Scotland Yard]]''
* [[Shadows from Beyond]]
* ''[[Secret Agent]]''
* [[Sheriff of Tombstone]]
* ''[[Secret Romance]]''
* [[Sherlock Holmes]]
* ''[[Secrets of Love and Marriage]]''
* [[Six-Gun Heroes]]
* ''[[Secrets of Young Brides]]''
* [[Soldier and Marine Comics]]
* ''[[Shadows from Beyond]]''
* [[Son of Vulcan]]
* ''[[Sheriff of Tombstone]]''
* [[Space Adventures]]
* ''[[Sherlock Holmes]]''
* [[Space War]]
* ''[[Six-Gun Heroes]]''
* [[Space Western]]
* ''[[Soldier and Marine Comics]]''
* [[Special War Series]]
* ''[[Son of Vulcan]]''
* [[Speed Demons]]
* ''[[Space Adventures]]''
* [[Strange Suspense Stories]]
* ''[[Space War]]''
* [[Submarine Attack]]
* ''[[Space Western]]''
* [[Sue and Sally Smith, Flying Nurses]]
* ''[[Special War Series]]''
* [[Summer Fun]]
* ''[[Speed Demons]]''
* [[Sunset Carson]]
* ''[[Strange Suspense Stories]]''
* [[Sweetheart Diary]]
* ''[[Submarine Attack]]''
* [[Sweethearts]]
* ''[[Sue and Sally Smith, Flying Nurses]]''
* [[Tales of the Mysterious Traveler]]
* ''[[Summer Fun]]''
* [[Teen Confessions]]
* ''[[Sunset Carson]]''
* [[Teen Secret Diary]]
* ''[[Sweetheart Diary]]''
* [[Teen-Age Confidential Confessions]]
* ''[[Sweethearts]]''
* [[Teen-Age Love]]
* ''[[Tales of the Mysterious Traveler]]''
* [[Teenage Hotrodders]]
* ''[[Teen Confessions]]''
* [[Terry and the Pirates]]
* ''[[Teen Secret Diary]]''
* [[Tex Ritter Western]]
* ''[[Teen-Age Confidential Confessions]]''
* [[Texas Rangers in Action]]
* ''[[Teen-Age Love]]''
* [[The Thing]]
* ''[[Teenage Hotrodders]]''
* [[This Is Suspense]]
* ''[[Terry and the Pirates]]''
* [[This Magazine Is Crazy]]
* ''[[Tex Ritter Western]]''
* [[This Magazine Is Haunted]]
* ''[[Texas Rangers in Action]]''
* [[Three Nurses]]
* ''[[The Thing (Charlton)|The Thing]]''
* [[Thunderbolt]]
* ''[[This Is Suspense]]''
* [[Tim McCoy]]
* ''[[This Magazine Is Crazy]]''
* [[Time for Love]]
* ''[[This Magazine Is Haunted]]''
* [[Timmy the Timid Ghost]]
* ''[[Three Nurses]]''
* [[TNT Comics]]
* ''[[Thunderbolt]]''
* [[Tom Cat]]
* ''[[Tim McCoy]]''
* [[Top Eliminator]]
* ''[[Time for Love]]''
* [[True Life Secrets]]
* ''[[Timmy the Timid Ghost]]''
* [[TV Teens]]
* ''[[TNT Comics]]''
* [[U.S. Air Force Comics]]
* ''[[Tom Cat]]''
* [[U. S. Marines]]
* ''[[Top Eliminator]]''
* [[Unusual Tales]]
* ''[[True Life Secrets]]''
* [[War and Attack]]
* ''[[TV Teens]]''
* [[War at Sea]]
* ''[[U.S. Air Force Comics]]''
* [[War Heroes]]
* ''[[U. S. Marines]]''
* [[War Wings]]
* ''[[Unusual Tales]]''
* [[Wild Bill Hickok and Jingles]]
* ''[[War and Attack]]''
* [[Wild Frontier]]
* ''[[War at Sea]]''
* [[Wild West]]
* ''[[War Heroes]]''
* [[Win a Prize Comics]]
* ''[[War Wings]]''
* [[World of Wheels]]
* ''[[Wild Bill Hickok and Jingles]]''
* [[Wyatt Earp Frontier Marshal]]
* ''[[Wild Frontier]]''
* [[Yellowjacket Comics]]
* ''[[Wild West (Charlton)|Wild West]]''
* [[The Young Doctors]]
* ''[[Win a Prize Comics]]''
* [[Young Eagle]]
* ''[[World of Wheels]]''
* [[Young Lovers]]
* ''[[Wyatt Earp Frontier Marshal]]''
* [[Zaza the Mystic]]
* ''[[Yellowjacket Comics]]''
* [[Zoo Funnies]]
* ''[[The Young Doctors]]''
* ''[[Young Eagle]]''
* ''[[Young Lovers]]''
* ''[[Zaza the Mystic]]''
* ''[[Zoo Funnies]]''


Nuvarande version från 10 maj 2018 kl. 15.48

Charlton Comics, numera nedlagt amerikanskt serieförlag som grundades 1945, där bland annat Dick Giordano och Bob Layton startade sina karriärer. Vid nedläggningen 1986 köptes förlagets superhjältar (bland dessa The Question, Blue Beetle och Captain Atom) av konkurrenten DC Comics. Av förlagets resterande serier såldes några tillbaka till upphovsmännen medan den största delen köptes av Roger Broughton, ägare av American Comics Group.

Utgivna titlar

Scotland Yard, nr 1/1955. Bild av Dick Giordano. © Charlton Comics.
Tales of the Mysterious Traveler, nr 10/1958. Bild av Steve Ditko. © Charlton Comics.
Terry and the Pirates, nr 26/1955. Bild av George Wunder. © Charlton Comics.
Space Adventures, nr 25/1958. Bild av Dick Giordano. © Charlton Comics.
Cowboy Love, nr 31/1955. Bild av Ted Galindo. © Charlton Comics.
Never Again, nr 8/1956 Bild av Ross Andru och Mike Esposito. © Charlton Comics.
Teen-Age Love, nr 21/1961 Bild av Joe Sinnott och Vince Colletta. © Charlton Comics.
Funny Animals, nr 84/1954 Bild av Al Fago. © Charlton Comics.
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