Judd Saxon

Judd Saxon är en amerikansk dagspresserie av Ken Bald (bild) och Jerry Brondfield (manus) som publicerades från 8 april 1957 till 13 oktober 1962[1]. Handlingen följer en koreakrigsveteran som blir affärsman.
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William Randolph Hearst | Moses Koenigsberg
Amber Waves | Arctic Circle | Between Friends | Bizarro | Bleeker: The Rechargeable Dog | Blixt Gordon | Blondie | Butiken | Carpe Diem | The Cashier | Curtis | Daddy Daze | Dennis | De professionella | Dustin | Domare Parker | Edison Lees skarpa hjärna | Familjen Flax | The Family Circus | Fantomen | Funny Online Animals | Fransson | Funky Winkerbean | Fård | Gearhead Gertie | Gil | Hagbard Handfaste | Heaven's Love Thrift Shop | Intelligent Life | J.P. Krax | Just Like Cats & Dogs | Karl-Alfred | Kaxen | Kevin and Kell | Knoll och Tott | Laura | Legalization Nation | Legend of Bill | The Lockhorns | Macanudo | Mallard Fillmore | Mark Trail | Marvin | Mary Worth | Morrgan och Klös | Mother Goose & Grimm | Knasen | Out on a Limb | The Pajama Diaries | Planet X & Y | Prins Valiant | Rae the Doe | Rah-Rah Rosalie | Rex Morgan, M.D. | R.F.D. | Rimmar på silver | Roy Rogers | Safe Havens | Sally Forth | Sam & Silo | Sigges lagun | Six Chix | Slylock Fox & Comics for Kids | The Spats | Surström | Take It From The Tinkersons | Tinas Hak | Tjalle Tvärvigg | Todd the Dinosaur | Tundra | Tvillingarna | Ytterfilen | Zippy | Zits
Abie the Agent | Ace Drummond | Acke | Agatas affärer | Agent X9 | Aladdin Jr. | Alla tiders | Alphonse and Gaston | The Ambassador | And Her Name Was Maud | A. Piker Clerk | Arken | Art Linkletter's Kids | Babs & Aldo | Baby Blues | Barney Baxter | Baron Mooch | Ben Bolt | The Better Half | Betty Boop | Betty Boop and Felix | Big Sister | Bobby Dazzler | Bror Kanin | Bumbibjörnarna | Bunky | Buster Brown | Butch and Dougie | Buzz Cooper | Caldwells konstifika värld | Captain Kate | Captain Vincible | Carola | Claire | Count Screwloose | Curley Harper | Dicks äventyr i drömmens värld | Dinette Set | The Dingbat Family | Discontinued Stories | Disneys galleri | Djungel-Jim | Don Poco | Dooley's World | Draw Your Own Conclusion | Dr. Bobbs | Dumb Dora | Dunder-Dick | Dr. Kildare | Ensamma Vargen | Elza Poppin | Ernie | Etta Kett | Eva och jag | The Family Foursome | Flapper Filosofy | Franklin Fibbs | Fru Fitz' pensionat | The Genius | George | G.I. Joe Girls & Sports | Gott & blandat | Green Force Five | Grin and Bear It | Gus the Ghost | Gyllenbom | Half Hitch | Haltande Ormen | Happy Hooligan | Hartland | Hasse | Hazel | Hejji | Hem ljuva hem | Herr Archibald | Hopalong Cassidy | Horrorscope | Hubert | I Did It And I’m Glad | Inside Woody Allen | It's Papa who Pays | Jack and Tyler | Jackys Diary | Jerry on the Job | Johnny Hazard | Jojje och Lappen | Judd Saxon | Just add Walter | Just the Type | Kalle Anka | Katten Felix | The Kid Sister | King vid gränspolisen | Knutte Knopp | Kommissarie Wade | Krazy Kat | Laff-a-Day | Laura | Lilla Bettan | Lilla Laura | Lilla Familjen | Lille Kungen | Lingonkvist | Little Annie Rooney | Little Jimmy | Little Miss Muffett | Ludde | Ludde på luffen | Main Street Jed | Malin | Mama's Boyz | Mammas och pappas första barn | Mandrake | Mara Llave: Keeper of Time | The Meanest Man | The Mediæval Castle | Merely Margy | Mickey Mouse and his Friends | Mister Breger | Mr. Jack | Muggs and Skeeter | Mupparna | Musse Pigg | My Cage | Nalle Puh | Needlenose Noonan | Nicodemus O'Malley and His Whale Palsy-Walsy | No Comment | Norb | Norm | Office Hours | Oh, Brother! | Ollie and Quentin | The original boop-boop-a-doop girl | The Outta Luck Club | Ozark Ike | Queenie | Quincy | Pelle piccolo | Philanders | Playful little Audrey | Plutten | Polly and Her Pals | Pop's Place | Potterby och hertiginnan | Prinsessan Kissemiss | Professor Fummel | Putte | Ralph | Red Barry | Reg'lar Fellers | Rip Kirby | Ripley's Believe It or Not! | Room and Board | Rosie's Beau | Rusty | Rödöga | Sams serie | Sappo | Sentinel Louie | Sergeant Riley | Silly Symphonies | Skippy | The Small Society | Spider-Man | Spud och Tim | Steve Canyon | Steve Roper & Mike Nomad | Storklas och Lillklas | Strictly Richter | Stålmormor | Sissan | They'll Do It Every Time | The Squirrel Cage | Tigern | Tilly - Bråttom | Tina | Tip | Today's World | Tom Trick | Tommy of the Big Top | Tossan | Tre flickor | Triple Take | Trudy | True Life Adventures | Tuffy | Us Husbands | The Van Swaggers | Våran Hund | Vårat gäng | Walnut Cove | Walt Disney's Christmas Specials | Walt Disney's Treasury of Classic Tales | What a Family! | What a Guy! | Wildwood | Willy 'n Ethel | The Yellow Kid | Ökenrävarna
Hearst Corporation | King Comics | DailyINK | Field Enterprises | Newspaper Feature Service | North America Syndicate | Cowles Syndicate |