Kategori:Japanska serier
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Här listas serier från Japan, även kallade manga.
Denna kategori har följande 2 underkategorier (av totalt 2).
Artiklar i kategorin "Japanska serier"
Följande 200 sidor (av totalt 957) finns i denna kategori.
(föregående sida) (nästa sida)7
- A Lion from the North
- Acute
- Adolf ni Tsugu
- Adventure of Sinbad
- Again!!
- Ah My Buddha
- Aho-Girl
- Ai Shite Knight
- Ai Yori Aoshi
- Air Gear
- Akagami no Shirayuki-hime
- Akira
- Aku no Hana (Oshimi)
- Aku no Hana (Yanagisawa)
- Aku no Meshitsukai
- Aku no Meshitsukai - Opera Buffa!
- Aku no Quartet
- Alexandrite mystêrieux de voleur
- Alice in the Country of Hearts
- Alice to Zouroku
- All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku
- Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia
- Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian
- Amanusya
- Ane My Sister Plus
- Angel (U-jin)
- Angel Attack
- Angel Heart (Hojo)
- Angel Heart (Itoh)
- Angel no Oka
- Angelic Layer
- +Anima
- Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm
- Aoi Hanabira
- Aomanjuskogen
- Apollo's song
- Appare-Ranman!
- Appleseed
- Arashi no Hana Murakumo no Uta
- Area 88
- Arpeggio of Blue Steel
- Ashita no Joe
- Ashizuri Suizokukan
- Asobi ni Ikuyo
- Astro Boy
- Asu no Yoichi
- Attack No. 1
- Ayane's High Kick
- Azumanga Daioh
- Babylon made wa Nankounen?
- Baka & Boing
- Bakuen Campus Guardress
- Bakuretsu Hunters
- Bambi and Her Pink Gun
- Banpaiya
- Bara no Josephine
- Baron - Neko no Danshaku
- Basara
- Basquash
- Batmanga
- Battle Angel Alita
- Beach Stars
- Beat Angel Escalayer
- Beatless
- Because I'm the Goddess
- Berserk
- Beyblade
- Bibliotheca Mystica de Dantalian
- Big X
- Bikachou Shinshi Kaikoroku
- Bikini Warriors
- Billy Bat
- Bio Booster Armor Guyver
- Birdy the Mighty
- Birthday
- Black Butler
- Black Jack (Tezuka)
- Black Rock Shooter
- Blade of the Immortal
- Blanca
- Bleach
- Blood Alone
- Blood: The Last Vampire
- Blue Sky Girl Squadron
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
- Bokura no Pink
- Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan
- Bondage Fairies
- Bonobono
- Bouken Shitemo Iikoro
- Boukun Tyrano-san
- Boukyaku no Senritsu
- Bousou Shōjo
- Boys Detective
- Bubblegum Crisis
- Buchou Shima Kousaku
- Buddha
- Burst Angel
- Cage of Eden
- Candy Candy
- Cannon God Exaxxion
- Cantarella: Ao no Dokuyaku
- Captain Future
- Captain Harlock
- Caravan Kidd
- Cardcaptor Sakura
- Cat Shit One
- Cat's Eye
- Chaika, the Coffin Princess
- Cheating Detective Satori
- Cheers
- Chi's Sweet Home
- Chibi Maruko-chan
- Chibi Miku-san
- Chii-chan no Oshinagaki
- Chiisana Yousei Petite no Nikki
- Children of the Sea
- Chinjyu no Mori no Unicorn
- Chirality
- Chirorin Dou no Natsuyasumi
- Chō Kuseni Narisō
- Chobits
- Chocolat no Mahou
- Chou Kadou Girl ⅙
- Choujin Locke
- Choujuu Gitan
- Chrono Crusade
- Chō yo kitan MAZE
- Cigarette and Cherry
- Citrus
- City Hunter
- CLAMP School Detectives
- Cleopatra (Tezuka)
- Cleopatra D.C.
- Cleopatra na Hibi
- Cobra (Terasawa)
- Codename: Sailor V
- Comic 1984
- Comic Party
- Convenin
- Coppelion
- Cos Chu!
- Cosmic Break
- Cosmic Fantasy
- Creamy Mami
- Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rinbu
- Cross Epoch
- Crusher Joe
- Crying Freeman
- Cutie Honey
- Cutie Honey Flash
- Cyborg 009
- D-Frag!
- D4 Princess
- Dagashi Kashi
- Daiaku Ku-Nyan
- Dance in the Vampire Bund
- Dangaioh Legend DOLL
- Dante Shinkyoku
- Darker Than Black
- Darling in the Franxx
- DearS
- Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku
- Death Note
- Desert Riot
- Detatoko Princess
- Devil Hunter Yohko
- Devil Lady
- The Devil Ororon
- Devilman
- Di Gi Charat
- Diasta of Ultima Thule
- Digimon
- Dinosaur Zone
- Dirty Pair
- Dis Vanish
- Disneyserier från Japan
- DNAngel
- Dr. Slump
- Dokkoida?!
- Don't Meddle In My Daughter!
- Donten ni Warau
- Doraemon
- Dororo
- Dragon Ball
- Dragon Half
- Dragon Pink
- Dragon Sister!
- Drakuun
- Dream Hunter Rem
- Dreamland Japan – Writings on Modern Manga
- Drifting Classroom
- Drömmarnas djup
- Drömsalens stora mausoleum
- Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka