Kategori:Amerikanska seriefigurer
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Artiklar i kategorin "Amerikanska seriefigurer"
Följande 200 sidor (av totalt 2 115) finns i denna kategori.
(föregående sida) (nästa sida)A
- A. Bizarro
- A. Piker Clerk
- Abattoir
- Abe Sapien
- Abel
- Abie the Agent
- Abigail Holland
- Abin Sur
- Abnegazar, Rath & Ghast
- Abomination
- Abra Kadabra
- Abraham Lincoln
- Absorbing Man
- Access
- Ace Drummond
- Ace Powers
- Ace the Bat-Hound
- Acke
- Action Force
- Adam
- Adam Chase
- Adam Strange
- Adam X the X-Treme
- Adlai Stevenson
- Adventurers' Club
- The Adventures of Phoebe Zeit-Geist
- Aegeus
- Aegis
- Affe & Egon
- Agamotto
- Agatha Harkness
- The Agent
- Agent DC – den knepiga katten
- Agent Liberty
- Agent Orange
- Agent X
- Agent Zero
- Aggie Mack
- Agony & Ecstasy
- A.I.M.
- Airstryke
- Air-Walker
- Albert (DuckTales)
- Alex Kalienka
- Alexander Lukas
- Alexander Luthor
- Alexander the Cat
- Alfred E. Neuman
- Alfred Pennyworth
- Alice Cooper
- Alice i Underlandet
- Alice i Underlandet (Disney)
- Alicia av Shambad
- Alien
- Alien Legion
- Aliens vs. Predator
- All-Star Squadron
- All-Winners Squad
- Alley Oop
- Alpha Centurion
- Alpha Flight
- Alphonse and Gaston
- Alverfolket
- Amadeus Cho
- Amazing Man (Centaur)
- Amazing-Man (DC)
- Amazo
- The Ambassador
- Ambler
- Ambush Bug
- Ame-Comi Girls
- American Scream
- The American
- Amethyst
- Amos Fortune
- Amygdala
- The Anchor
- Andromeda (DC Comics)
- Andy
- Andy Panda
- Angar the Screamer
- Angel (Marvel)
- Angel (Timely)
- Angel and the Ape
- The Angel Child
- Angelfood McSpade
- Angle Man
- The Angriest Dog in the World
- Angus von Anka
- Anima (DC)
- Animal Man
- Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man
- Anki
- Annie Oakley
- Annihilus
- The Answer
- Ant (Mario Gully)
- Ant-Man
- Antaeus
- Anthro
- Antithesis
- Apache Kid
- Apocalypse
- April O'Neil
- Aquagirl
- Aquaman
- Arabian Knight
- Arachne
- Arak, Son of Thunder
- Arcade (Marvel)
- Acrobatic Archie
- Ares (Marvel)
- Argus (DC)
- Arkon
- Armadillo
- Armand Lutin
- Arnim Zola
- Arrowsmith
- Artemis Fowl
- Aryan Brigade
- Asmodel
- Asterios Polyp
- Astra, Girl of the Future
- Astrid
- Atom
- Atom Blake, Boy Wizard
- Atom Smasher
- Atommannen
- Atrocitus
- Attuma
- Aurora (Marvel)
- Automan
- Avalanche
- Avengers
- Avengers Academy
- Awesome Android
- Axis Amerika
- Azrael (DC)
- Aztek
- Azur Blå
- Baba Yaga
- Babbel
- Badger
- The Bakers
- Baldo
- Bandarerna
- Bane
- Banshee (Marvel)
- Barb Wire
- Barbie
- Barefootz
- Barker Bill
- The Barker
- Barney Baxter
- Baron Bean
- Baron Mooch
- Baron Vicke Virum
- Basilio
- Basilisk
- Bat Lash
- Bat Masterson
- Batgirl
- Batman
- Batroc the Leaper
- Batwing
- Batwoman
- Baxter Stockman
- Bazooka Joe
- B.C.
- Beast
- Beast Boy
- The Beatles
- Beavis & Butt-Head
- Bebop och Rocksteady
- Bee
- Bell Anka
- Belle
- BEM (DC)
- Ben Bolt
- Ben Casey
- Ben Swift, retired
- Benchley
- Bengalis stammar
- Benjamin Syrsa
- Bentley of Scotland Yard
- Beowulf
- Beppo the Super-Monkey
- Berra (Disney)
- Bettie Page
- Betty Boop
- Bibban
- Big Baby
- Big Barda
- Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot
- Big Nate
- Big Sir
- Big Wheel
- Bilar